Monday28Oct 2019

Design and Implementation of Digital Mental Health

A guest lecture by Dr. Stephen Schueller

Monday, October 28, 2019 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. PST
2019-10-28 12:00 2019-10-28 13:00 America/Los_Angeles Design and Implementation of Digital Mental Health Go to event listing for more details: BK 404 Beckman Hall 404 - George Bush Conference Center Department of Psychology

Free to attend

BK 404

Beckman Hall 404 - George Bush Conference Center

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

Significant advances in health technologies have created tremendous opportunities to use digital tools, such as smartphones apps, to facilitate and enhance mental health care. The field of mobile health (“mHealth”) is rapidly growing, with estimates there are as many as 20,000 apps aimed towards mental health and wellness. However, these tools have hardly made a dent in the burden of mental health which requires increased consideration of dissemination, implementation, and evaluation. In this talk, Dr. Schueller will discuss three projects focused on the development, evaluation, and implementation of digital mental health interventions including PsyberGuide, a project that conducts independent third-party evaluations; IntelliCare, a suite of mental health apps for depression and anxiety; and Stepping Stone, a smartphone-based intervention targeted towards homeless youth. Dr. Schueller will discuss affordances of technology to advance research and practice of clinical interventions and future opportunities for digital mental health. 


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