Wednesday29Nov 2023

Progressive Christian Worship

Sponsored by Disciples on Campus

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. PST
2023-11-29 19:00 2023-11-29 20:00 America/Los_Angeles Progressive Christian Worship Go to event listing for more details: FIC CHAPEL Wallace All Faiths Chapel Heidi Spurlock

Free to attend


Wallace All Faiths Chapel


are invited to attend.

All students are welcome to this student led progressive Christian worship service. The service runs about 45 minutes with snacks and fellowship afterwards. Sponsored by Disciples on Campus, an open, welcoming, and affirming student spiritual community.

For more information contact:    



You can contact the event organizer, Heidi Spurlock at or 7260.

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