Friday15Dec 2017

Arrow of Time in Quantum Mechanics: A Popular Talk by Dr. Andrew Jordan and Dr. Kater Murch

Friday, December 15, 2017 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. PST
2017-12-15 16:00 2017-12-15 17:30 America/Los_Angeles Arrow of Time in Quantum Mechanics: A Popular Talk by Dr. Andrew Jordan and Dr. Kater Murch Go to event listing for more details: AF 212 Betty Hutton Williams Board Room Cristian Bourgeois

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AF 212

Betty Hutton Williams Board Room

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

Abstract:  The question of why we perceive time moving from past to future is perplexing, especially in light of the fact that microscopic laws of motion are the same running forward or backwards in time. Some have thought that the answer to this puzzle may lay in quantum wavefunction collapse. We will discuss how recent experiments have shown that quantum measurement may not be as irreversible as commonly thought, and discuss deep questions relating to the flow of time and quantum physics. We will approach the topic from three points of view, that of the experimentalist, the quantum theorist, and the philosopher.


You can contact the event organizer, Cristian Bourgeois at or (657) 268-2338.

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