by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins; directed by Trevor Biship
Hosted By

College of Performing Arts

Department of Theatre at the College of Performing Arts
November 30 – December 2 — 7:30pm
December 7 – 9 — 7:30pm
December 2 & 9 — 2pm
In the aftermath of a patriarch's death, three adult children discover a lifetime of family mementos, including those that reveal a despicable history. Set on a crumbling Arkansas estate, Brandon Jacobs-Jenkins' Appropriate is a scathing examination of the acts of racism, systemic and individual, that white Americans perpetrate, perpetuate and defend everyday. 2014–2015 Obie Award winner for Best New American Play. (Drama; Mature Audiences)
$20 reserved seating; $15 seniors 65+, alumni, and non-chapman students; $10 Chapman students, faculty, and staff.
You can contact the event organizer, College of Performing Arts at or (714) 997-6624.
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