Friday12May 2023

Jumu'ah Prayers

Friday, May 12, 2023 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. PST
2023-05-12 13:00 2023-05-12 14:00 America/Los_Angeles Jumu'ah Prayers Go to event listing for more details: FIC 103 Wilkinson Founders Chapel 103 Linda Mueller

Free to attend

FIC 103

Wilkinson Founders Chapel 103

Staff, Faculty, and Students

are invited to attend.

Jumu`ah prayer is a special prayer that Muslims pray every Friday. It consists of a sermon followed by a prayer. It is held in the Wilkinson Chapel beginning at 1:00 pm and concluding around 2:00 pm. All are welcome.


You can contact the event organizer, Linda Mueller at or (714) 628-7260.

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