Science Forum: Metal-Free Catalysts for Organic and Polymer Synthesis
with Dr. Allegra Liberman-Martin, Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Science Forum Series is an opportunity for faculty and special guests to present their latest research to the campus community.
Schmid's own Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dr. Allegra Liberman-Martin will share her current research.
Metal-Free Catalysts for Organic and Polymer Synthesis
Chemical catalysis is involved in over 80% of industrial chemical production, and many current catalytic processes rely on expensive and rare metal catalysts. Our research group explores new metal-free compounds as inexpensive and earth-abundant catalysts for the synthesis of organic molecules and polymers. In this talk, our investigation of catalysts based on carbon or germanium in unusual oxidation states will be discussed. Insights into the mechanisms of catalysis and the relationship between a catalyst’s structure on its activity will be presented.
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