Wednesday4Mar 2020

cancelled - SGI Chapman Club Meeting

Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. PST
2020-03-04 19:00 2020-03-04 20:00 America/Los_Angeles cancelled - SGI Chapman Club Meeting Go to event listing for more details: FIC 103 Wilkinson Founders Chapel 103

Free to attend

FIC 103

Wilkinson Founders Chapel 103


are invited to attend.

SGI-Chapman offers students the unique opportunity to learn about Nichiren Daishonin's philosophies and engage in Buddhist teachings. With the support of our parent organization, Soka Gakkai International-USA (SGI-USA), SGI-Chapman will help enable students to realize their full potential and contribute to world peace on a local and global scale. In upholding SGI-USA's core value of education, SGI-Chapman will encourage and support members by teaching the importance of study and the cohesiveness that exists between Nichiren Buddhism and the pursuit of higher education.


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