Fall Dance Concert
Directed by Alicia Guy and Liz Maxwell
Hosted By

College of Performing Arts

Department of Dance at the College of Performing Arts
Dance majors’ remarkable skill and artistry is showcased in exciting and touching faculty work in the Fall Dance Concert. Internationally acclaimed dancer and Chapman Presidential Fellow, Ido Tadmor stages a moving world premiere based on the work of the artist Magritte.
Joining this stellar piece are premieres in different genres by renowned Chapman faculty Sean Greene, Alicia Guy, Julianne O’Brien, Liz Maxwell, and Will Johnston. Tadmor will also give a post-show talk to discuss his new work and the process behind its creation.
$20 reserved seating; $15 seniors 65+, alumni, and non-Chapman students; $10 Chapman students, faculty, and staff.
You can contact the event organizer, College of Performing Arts at copatickets@chapman.edu or (714) 997-6624.
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