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Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Women's & Gender Studies Presents
In celebration of Women's History Month, WGST 498 Senior Seminar Students are proud to present: HERSTORIES 2025
Come get a crash course & much-needed remedial education: In the space of less than an hour and a half, WGST 498 will pay homage to ELEVEN historical and contemporary SHEROES everyone should know and learn about.
"Every March, in Honor of Women’s History Month, students in Wilkinson College’s Women and Gender Studies minor gather to tell stories of women past and present that have made their mark in the activist, academic, and political spheres."-- from the Voice of Wilkinson post "HerStories: A Celebration of Women in History."
For more information, contact CK Magliola at magliola@chapman.edu.