Schmid Science Forum: Exploring Factors Influencing Student's Attitudes and Learning in STEM Courses
with Jeremy Hsu, Assistant Professor of Biology
Office hours are common across STEM courses. However, little research has examined students’ motivation to attend these office hours, or how office hours influence their learning. Similarly, quizzes and exams are ubiquitous in STEM courses, but there has been a paucity of work investigating how the framing of test questions may impacts students’ attitudes and their processing of the question. In this talk, Dr. Hsu will explore the motivations and barriers students cite regarding STEM course office hours and the factors that shape students’ experiences in office hours. He’ll also discuss how exam question wording can play a major role in students’ attitudes and motivations, and make suggestions for how instructors might apply these findings to their own classes.
Science Forum is a platform for subject matter experts to talk about science in their specific field of research/career.