Monday12May 2025

La Serata: Italian Conversation Evenings

Monday, May 12, 2025 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. PST
2025-05-12 17:30 2025-05-12 18:30 America/Los_Angeles La Serata: Italian Conversation Evenings Go to event listing for more details: AF 209A Schoolsfirst Federal Credit Union Conference Suite - Argyros Forum 209A Dr. Federico Pacchioni Add to Calendar

Free to attend

AF 209A

Schoolsfirst Federal Credit Union Conference Suite - Argyros Forum 209A

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

Join us for a fun-filled evening to practice Italian informally and to learn about Italy and its people.

La Serata is open to all who want to improve their language skills, learn about the Italian culture, speak with native speakers, and socialze with members of the local community and other students!


You can contact the event organizer, Dr. Federico Pacchioni at

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