Promoting Equitable Food Systems-World Food Day
Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Health Equity
Hosted By

Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Health Equity's purpose is to promote informed, sustained, and enriching dialogues through an in-depth exploration of what the human condition of health means in our lives.
An expert panel will explore food equity challenges with perspectives from healthcare, medicine, adademia, and food insecurity domains. A Q&A session withthe aduiece will follow.
Meet our guests:
Moderator-Dr. Jason Douglas - Associate Professor, Department of Health, Society, & Behavior, Center for Environmental Health Disparities Reserach, UCI
Mark Lowry - Director of the OC Food Bank
Dr. Denise Payan - Assistant Professor, Health, Society, and Behaviour, Public Health, UCI
Jennifer Pearce - Registered Dietician at Chirdren's Hospital of Orange County
You can contact the event organizer, Mary Shockey at
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