Tuesday21Feb 2023

Day of Remembrance

Screening of Film "We Said No! No!" with Director Brian T. Maeda

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 2:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. PST
2023-02-21 14:30 2023-02-21 17:30 America/Los_Angeles Day of Remembrance Go to event listing for more details: https://events.chapman.edu/90245 AF 209BC Schoolsfirst Federal Credit Union Conference Suite - Argyros Forum 209BC Jessica Bocinski bocinski@chapman.edu Add to Calendar

Free to attend

AF 209BC

Schoolsfirst Federal Credit Union Conference Suite - Argyros Forum 209BC

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

In Observance of February 19 

Day of Remembrance 

The signing of Executive Order 9066 and the Japanese American Incarceration 

Screening of "We Said No! No!" with Director Brian Tadashi Maeda 

Argyros Forum 209BC 

2:30-3:45pm - Film Screening 

3:45-4:15pm - Panel Discussion 

4:15-5:30pm - Japanese-style refreshments and origami paper crane crafts with raffle prizes*

*Beverages couresy of Sanzo sparkling water and Naruto door prized courtesy of Viz Media. 

We Said No! No! is a story of civil disobedience set against the backdrop of World War II and the controversial internment of thousands of "disloyal" Japanese Americans in the most notorius of all the Japanese concentration camps, Tule Lake. It was there that the Japanese Americans who refused to say "yes" to the infamous Loyalty Questionnaire were imprisioned and labeled the "No, No's." We Said No! No! follows a group of dissidents deemed disloyal as they fight for their freedom, their dignity and their families in an America that had forsaken them. 

The film combines interviews with Japanese Americans and their family members who were once derisively referred to as "No No Boys," archival footage and photographs, and framatic reenactments of incidents in the Tule Lake Segregation Center. 

This event is supported by the Yamagishi Endowment for Asian Studies, Leatherby Libraries, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and Wilkinson College of Art, Humanities, and Social Sciences. 


You can contact the event organizer, Jessica Bocinski at bocinski@chapman.edu.

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