Tuesday1Nov 2022

$AVVY - Women. Money. Freedom.

Explore how and why our financial culture sidelines women, and tells a new story about women who are taking matters into their own hands.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. PST
2022-11-01 19:00 2022-11-01 21:30 America/Los_Angeles $AVVY - Women. Money. Freedom. Go to event listing for more details: https://events.chapman.edu/89861 DMAC 123 Screening Theater IS&T Communications Team istcommstraining@chapman.edu

Free ticket $0.00

click on the link to RSVP

DMAC 123

Screening Theater

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

$avvy explores why it's critical for women to understand and take control of their personal finances. $avvy investigates the historical, cultural, and societal norms around women and money. With incisive humor and captivating honesty, $avvy questions why women often take a backseat to their finances and why it's so important now more than ever for women to take control of their financial futures.  

According to the director, Robin Hauser, a lack of financial literacy is one of the biggest hurdles women in the U.S. face today. The good news is, it doesn't have to be this way. The documentary celebrates women who are making inroads into the final frontier of gender parity, rallying us all to take an active role in managing our money. This film invites us to reflect on our relationships with money, invest in solidarity and resilience, and recognize that liberating our bank accounts is a step toward building the world we all want to live in.   

Join us with Robin and a distinguished panel of guests for Q&A and refreshments.  

It's free to attend. RSVP is required due to limited seats. Please click on 'Tickets' in the top left corner of the screen. 

Parking is available in West Campus Structure, 230 N. Cypress  - Level B1 only, and surrounding street parking.  

Digital Media Arts Center (DMAC 123) is located at 220 N. Cypress St, off Cypress and West Maple Avenue. 


You can contact the event organizer, IS&T Communications Team at istcommstraining@chapman.edu.

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