Learning How to Write Effective Opinion Pieces in a Major Outlet
Hosted By

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Department of History at Wilkinson College
On Wednesday, July 14th, the War & Society Program will be hosting editors-in-chief Nicole Hemmer and Brian Rosenwald, co-founders of Made by History, a new political history blog at the Washington Post, for a summer workshop: Learning How to Write Effective Opinion Pieces in a Major Outlet.
At a time when everything seems uncertain and unprecedented, we need historians to enter the fray and show how understanding the past can help us better navigate the present. Every day, we publish new writing by historians exploring the history behind the headlines, bringing an important new perspective to the news of the day. Nicole and Brian are joined by editor Kathryn Cramer Brownell, a historian at Purdue University, and a roster of more than 70 of the country’s most thoughtful, engaged historians.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86341409823?pwd=T2I3QUZVVTMrN-1JGUDFabVdsbDZpZz09
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You can contact the event organizer, David Krausman, Graduate Programs Coordinator at krausman@chapman.edu or (714) 516-7116.
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