Lies versus Damned Lies: Evaluating Research Sources
Wilkinson College Graduate Student Workshop
Hosted By

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences

Department of History at Wilkinson College
Tuesday October 8, 2019 4-6:50PM
Lies versus Damned Lies: Evaluating Research Sources
Laura Scudder Conference Room, Roosevelt Hall 121
Mark Twain once quipped, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics.” How do students in the humanities determine “truth” when conducting research among various sources? This workshop will explore the problems researchers confront when different stories emerge from the likes of memoirs, newspaper articles, autobiographies, and historical works.
Dr. Gregory A. Daddis, Associate Professor, Department of History
Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Gregory Daddis is an associate professor of history and director of Chapman’s MA Program in War and Society. Dr. Daddis joined the History Department in the summer of 2015 after having served as the Chief of the American History Division in the Department of History at the United States Military Academy at West Point. A retired US Army colonel, he has served in both Operations Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom. Dr. Daddis specializes in the history of the Vietnam Wars and the Cold War era.
You can contact the event organizer, Allison DeVries at or (714) 997-6752.
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