Saturday1Oct 2016

Faculty Master Class with Taylor Greene, Performing Arts Librarian

"Concerts in the Library? Connecting the College of Performing Arts to the Leatherby Libraries in Unexpected Places"

Saturday, October 1, 2016 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. PST
2016-10-01 14:00 2016-10-01 15:00 America/Los_Angeles Faculty Master Class with Taylor Greene, Performing Arts Librarian Go to event listing for more details: LL 301 Leatherby Malloy Performance Portico - 3rd Floor Danielle Cooper Add to Calendar

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LL 301

Leatherby Malloy Performance Portico - 3rd Floor

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

Forget your stereotype of a university library. The 21st century Leatherby Libraries provides an exciting, experiential learning and collaboration space, especially for musicians, dancers, and actors. Performing Arts Librarian Taylor Greene will showcase the partnerships between CoPA and the Leatherby Libraries through special events and exhibitions, such as Shakespeare-themed displays and chamber music concerts, and discuss how these promote student academic success.

You can contact the event organizer, Danielle Cooper at or (714) 532-6027.

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