Thursday2Feb 2023

Lunch at the Forum

Dinosaur Remains in CA: The How, Where and How Rare - Jack Horner

Thursday, February 2, 2023 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. PST
2023-02-02 11:30 2023-02-02 14:00 America/Los_Angeles Lunch at the Forum Go to event listing for more details: BK 404 Beckman Hall 404 - George Bush Conference Center Joy Flynn, Manager, Support Group Programs

Tickets Required

BK 404

Beckman Hall 404 - George Bush Conference Center

General Public

Everyone is welcome to attend

Join Town & Gown for its 29th Season of Lunch at the Forum!

When Jack Horner shows up to speak to an audience, he brings his unconventional thinking and creativity. In addition to his teaching, he has been the technical advisor for all of the Jurassic Park films. Dinosaurs - his passion in life - lived throughout the world for more than 150 million years yet their remains are rare in many places such as California, Oregon, and Washington. Come be delighted in learning basic geology, how dinosaur remains were preserved, how we know where to look for these remains, and how we extract them for study and display. He will also introduce a project he is involved with centered on the revival of dinosaur traits in modern animals.


You can contact the event organizer, Joy Flynn, Manager, Support Group Programs at or (714) 744-7608.

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